Consulting & Resources

With full implementation of the ACA in 2014, state regulators, consumer advocates and policymakers needed real-time policy expertise and technical assistance to keep up with the significant changes imposed on private insurance markets under the new health law. Since then, the federal and state policy framework for insurance coverage has continued to evolve, with implications for states, consumer advocates, and other stakeholders.
CHIR experts work intensively with state officials and consumer organizations to provide timely, strategic and actionable policy expertise to inform advocacy, policymaking, and implementation at the federal and state levels. We also develop resources that support a deeper understanding of private insurance regulation for policymakers and consumer organizations.
Strategic consulting projects include:
State officials charged with oversight of their health insurance markets and consumer protections face considerable challenges maintaining and improving equitable access to affordable, high quality health insurance for all their residents. Through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s State Health & Value Strategies project, Georgetown CHIR experts provide legal and policy support to state officials regarding new or changing federal policies with respect to the individual market as well as market conditions impacting their state.
Thanks to support from Arnold Ventures, CHIR experts provide independent technical assistance and information to federal and state policymakers on ways to protect consumers, promote affordability, and adopt comprehensive surprise medical bill protections. In addition, with Arnold Ventures’ support, CHIR experts are available to help identify, design, and discuss policies, like a public health insurance option, that promote affordability and contain costs.
CHIR experts also work with consumer organizations that include the American Diabetes Association and Community Catalyst to provide technical assistance and policy expertise on changing federal rules and state policies that affect insurance coverage access and affordability. As part of this work, we develop resources for state-based advocates, analyze federal legislation and regulations, and identify opportunities for policy changes that can improve affordability and access to high-quality health coverage.
With funding from the American Lung Association, CHIR experts monitor state action on Section 1332 waivers and analyze state waiver applications that would affect health care coverage and costs.
With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, CHIR experts have developed a web-based Navigator Resource Guide on private health insurance and the health insurance marketplaces. While designed with the needs of Navigators in mind, the Guide is a hands-on, practical resource for anyone who needs to communicate with consumers about the Affordable Care Act. The Guide includes easy-to-read background information on key health insurance and marketplace issues, and provides close to 300 web-based and searchable frequently asked questions (FAQs) reflecting a wide range of situations consumers may face as they navigate our changing health care system. Search the Guide .
CHIR also worked with AARP and IQ Solutions to develop Health Law Answers, an online tool for AARP that provided users with personalized information on changes brought about by the ACA. The website allowed users to enter information on their current coverage status, age, state, and income to see how the law may affect their coverage.