Stepping into the Breach: State Options to Protect Consumers and Stabilize Markets in the Wake of Federal Changes to the Affordable Care Act

The federal executive branch under President Trump has the power to modify the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) through new regulations and guidance. The current administration could also effectively roll back key provisions of the law by relaxing federal oversight or suspending enforcement of requirements for private health insurers. However, the effects of such administrative actions on consumers, health plans, and others depend to a great degree on how states respond.
With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, CHIR experts provide an in-depth primer on the scope of states’ authority and the tools available to ensure that consumers living within their borders benefit from the insurance protections promised under federal law. In a series of short fact sheets, we also discuss specific statutory and administrative options for states in the event of selected possible federal administrative actions.
Fact sheets and issue briefs in the State Options series include:
- Responding to President Trump’s Executive Order on Association Health Plans
- Responding to President Trump’s Executive Order on Short-Term Health Plans
- Ensuring Residents Receive Essential Health Benefits
- Returning Plan Management to the States
- Strengthening Marketplace Enrollment through Web-based Brokers
- Encouraging Enrollment in Comprehensive Coverage
- Enforcing the 80-20 Rule
Read and download the full primer on state authority over health insurance.
We recommend downloading the PDFs for full access to resource links within the fact sheets.