Webinar Series

Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms’ (CHIR) webinar series, Understanding Hospital Financing, provides lawmakers with insight into what is driving hospital finances, including how hospitals generate revenue and pressures on operating costs. 

Hospitals play a vital role in delivering health care. As local policymakers seek to improve access to affordable and adequate health care, understanding the factors that influence the financial health of hospitals in their region is key.

Read Five Key Questions About Hospital Finances for answers to common questions from policymakers who seek to better understand a hospital’s financial circumstances.

Past Events

How Can We Control Hospital Costs?

In this May 31, 2024, webinar, we were joined by Kim Cammarata, Senior Assistant Attorney General with the Maryland Office of the Attorney General, Christine Monahan, Assistant Research Professor at CHIR, and Tyler Brannen, Senior Health Economist at BerryDunn, to talk about the policy challenges and opportunities with controlling hospital costs, including mitigating facility fees, addressing the price of hospital services and ensuring hospital accountability.

Watch the recording of the webinar here, and view the accompanying slide deck here.

Paying for Health Care: How Do We Fund U.S. Hospitals?

At our May 17 webinar, we were joined by Nicole Macri from the Washington State House of Representatives and explored funding streams for hospital care, the role of payer mix, and hospital community benefits. 

Watch the recording of the webinar here and view the accompanying slide deck here

Hospital Financing 101: What are the Factors Driving Hospital Financial Health? 

In this April 2024 webinar, we explored differences among hospitals and health systems, their operating costs, and the impact of consolidation; discussed why financial health varies among hospitals, particularly rural hospitals; and reviewed which indicators can be used to measure a hospital’s financial performance. 

Watch the recording of the webinar here, and view the accompanying slide deck here.

Support for this webinar series is provided by Arnold Ventures.